Friday 16 January 2015

10 Reasons you are failing in the gym

1) Your Diet ! You are only cheating yourself.
2) You don't have a progresive gym plan ! Do You ?
3) You do have a progresssive gym plan but you don't stick with it long enough to progress
4) You skip the bits you don't like and do your own version
5) Your'e not consistent ! 6 sessions this week and 2 weeks off isnt gonna cut it ! try 3-4 every week
6) Your workout isn't intense enough ( if you always do what you always did ) Got it !
7) Your technique is bad because the weight is too heavy for you ( Dont try and show off )
8) You want overnight success (ME TOO ) It takes weeks- months-years
9) Your body is primarily built in the kitchen
10) Your sitting at home reading someones BLOG !!!
Gym memberships are costly , make sure its money well spent / Stick with the gym plan

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